How to Design a Submersible Pump Station

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How to Design a Submersible Pump Station by Mind Map: How to Design a Submersible Pump Station

1. 2. Pump Selection

1.1. Determine Available Power Supply

1.2. Use Pump Selection Software

1.2.1. ABS

1.2.2. HOMA

1.2.3. Grundfos

1.3. Match System Curve to Pump Curve

1.3.1. Impellers

1.3.2. Motors

1.3.3. Stepness of Performance Curves

1.3.4. Pump Control VFD Soft Start Multiple Pumps

2. 1. Create a System Curve

2.1. Identify Demand FLow Needed

2.2. Identify Elevations

2.2.1. Wet Well Finish Grade

2.2.2. Wet Well Rim

2.2.3. Wet Well Discharge Piping Elevation

2.2.4. Inlet Elevation & Size

2.2.5. Force Main Discharge Elevation

2.3. Force Main Information

2.3.1. Length

2.3.2. Size (Dia.)

2.3.3. Type (i.e. PVC, DIP, ext.)

2.3.4. New or Existing

2.3.5. Minor Losses (# of Bends, Valves, Fittings, Exit, Inetrance)

3. 3. Wet Well Sizing

3.1. Pump Flow

3.2. Inlet FLow

3.3. Size of Well

3.3.1. Pump Spacing

3.3.2. Hatch Sizing

3.3.3. Loading Criteria

3.4. Control Elevations

3.4.1. Minimum Submergenc (Hx)

3.4.2. Active Storage Volume (Hmin)

3.4.3. Lag Volume

3.4.4. Additional Storage

4. 6. Accesories

4.1. Odor Control

4.1.1. Vent

4.1.2. Scrubber

4.1.3. Media Filter Vent

4.2. Anue Wet Well Cleaning

4.3. Drop Bowls

4.4. Liners/Coatings

4.4.1. Exterior

4.4.2. Interior

4.5. Generator

4.5.1. Portable

4.5.2. Permanent

4.6. Hoist

4.7. Extended Warranties

4.8. Service Contracts

5. 4. Piping, Valves, & Fittings

5.1. Piping Material

5.1.1. Wet Well

5.1.2. Valve Vault

5.1.3. Force Main Following Valve Vault

5.1.4. Pipe Coatings

5.1.5. Dissimilar Metals

5.2. Pump Discharge

5.2.1. Size

5.2.2. Connection Size, Type, & Material

5.2.3. transition to Force Main

5.2.4. Couplings, Adapters, Dismantling, & Expansion Joints

5.3. Valve Layout

5.3.1. Check & Plug

5.3.2. Pipe Supports

5.3.3. Options Flow Meter Bypass Pumping Air Release Valves Pressure Gauges Mix Flush Valve

5.3.4. Size Vault Hatches Loading Criteria Access Clearances

5.3.5. Drain Valve Vaults

5.4. Pump Spacing

6. 5. Control Panel

6.1. Simplex/Duplex/Triplex

6.2. Level Sensing

6.2.1. Floats

6.2.2. Pressure Transducer

6.2.3. Ultrasonic Transducer

6.2.4. Multitrode Probe

6.3. Logic

6.3.1. Electromechanical

6.3.2. Programmable Logic Controller(PLC) User Interface (UI)

6.3.3. Packaged Controllers Multismart Controller Flow Station 110

6.4. Options

6.4.1. Telemetry

6.4.2. SCADA

6.4.3. VFD

6.4.4. Soft Starts

6.4.5. Alarms

6.4.6. Enclosures

6.4.7. Surge Protectors

6.4.8. Intrinsically Safe Relays