Technology in the Food Industry

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Technology in the Food Industry by Mind Map: Technology in the Food Industry

1. Growth and production in Agriculture

1.1. Cost

1.1.1. Farming Machienery

1.1.2. Land

1.2. Farm Efficiency

1.2.1. Animal Care

1.2.2. Crop Rotation Climate

2. •Processing and Packaging

2.1. Cost

2.1.1. Factories Materials Recyclable Plastics Machienes Labour

2.2. Working Conditions

2.2.1. Hygienic

2.2.2. Aseptic

2.3. Knowledge

2.3.1. Nutritionalists

2.4. Storage conditions

2.4.1. Temperature

3. Logistics and Transportation.

3.1. Fuel Effiency

3.2. Cost

3.2.1. labour

3.2.2. Vehicles

3.3. Storage Conditions

3.3.1. Temperature

3.4. Delivery Efficiency

3.4.1. Location

3.4.2. Timing

4. Materials

4.1. Paint

4.2. Polystyrene

4.3. foam

4.4. Sticker

4.5. Metal

4.6. Acrylic

5. Industrial Growth and Production

5.1. Hygienic Methods

5.2. Cost

5.2.1. Machienery

5.2.2. Workers

5.3. Storage units

5.3.1. Correct conditions

6. Testing and Quality Control.

6.1. Hygienic conditions

6.2. Knowledge

6.3. cost

6.3.1. Labour

6.3.2. Machinery

6.3.3. Equipment

6.3.4. Materials

7. Retail & Catering and Consumption

7.1. Advertising

7.1.1. colour

7.1.2. Catchphrases

7.1.3. Audience Age Culture Religion

7.2. Location

7.2.1. Existence of certain shops, restaurants etc, influence consumption

7.2.2. Climate

7.3. Health Awareness

7.4. Cost

7.4.1. Media Experts

7.4.2. Caterers

7.4.3. Media coverage

7.5. Transportation

7.5.1. Online shopping

7.6. Over Consumption

7.6.1. Development of diseases and illnessess Diabetes Heart Disease