1. memory models
1.1. encoding
1.1.1. get information into our brain
1.2. storage
1.2.1. retain that information
1.3. retrieval
1.3.1. get the information back out
2. parallel processing
2.1. the processing of many aspects of a problem simultaneously; the brain's natural mode of the information processing for many functions
3. memory-forming process
3.1. sensory information
3.1.1. to-be-remembered information iconic memory a momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli, photograph memory echoic memory a momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli despite lack of attention works can be recalled in 3-4 seconds
3.2. short-term memory
3.2.1. encode it through rehearsal
3.3. long-term memory
3.3.1. for retreival
4. working memory
4.1. active processing of incoming information and long-term information
4.2. focuses our spotlight of attention
5. encoding memories
5.1. explicit memories
5.1.1. memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and "declare" effortful processing .citamoutua emoceb nac gnissecorp luftroffe
5.2. implicit memories
5.2.1. retention of learned skills or classically conditioned associations independent of conscious recollection automatic processing without our awareness
5.2.2. procedural memory (riding a bike)
5.2.3. classically conditioned associations among stimuli (tense up later bcuz you were attacked by a dog in childhood)
5.2.4. space
5.2.5. time
5.2.6. frequency
6. effortful processing strategies
6.1. chunking
6.1.1. organizing items into familiar units
6.2. mnemonics
6.2.1. peg-word system: visual imagery skill memorize a jingle then put words to it. acronym: first leters of a to be remembered item
6.3. hierarchies
6.3.1. memorizing from broad to specific
7. spacing effect
7.1. encoding distributed over time
8. those who learn quickly also forget quickly -Hermann Ebbinghaus
9. distributed practice leads to more durable learning
10. testing effect
10.1. enhanced memory after retrieving rather than simply rereading.
11. levels of processing
11.1. shallow processing
11.1.1. encoding on basic level of structure or appearance of words
11.2. Deep processing
11.2.1. encoding semantically, based on the meaning of words; tends to yield best retention
12. memory consolidation
12.1. neural storage of long-term memory
12.2. sleep supports memory consolidation
13. implicit memory system
13.1. cerebellum plays a key role in forming and storing memory by classical conditioning
13.2. layed down by automatic processing
13.3. basal ganglia: motor movement: facilitare procedural memories for skills
14. synaptic changes
14.1. long-term potentiation
14.1.1. an increase in cell's firing potential after brief, rapid stimulation. Believed to be a neural basis for learning and memory
14.2. safe and free memory enhancer: sleep and effective study techniques
15. memory processing
15.1. automatic
15.1.1. implicit memories (nondeclarative) processed in cerebellum and ganglia space time and frequency (where you ate dinner yesterday) motor and cognitive skills (riding a bike) classical conditioning (reaction to dentist's office)
15.2. effortful
15.2.1. explicit memories (declarative) processed in hippocampus and frontal lobes semantic memory: facts and general knowledge (this module's concepts) episodic memory: personally experienced events (family holidays)
16. memory
16.1. learning that persists over time
16.1.1. acquired
16.1.2. stored
16.1.3. retrieved
17. measuring retention
17.1. recall
17.1.1. retrieving info not currently in your conscious awareness but that was learned at an earlier time
17.2. recognition
17.2.1. identifying items previously learned
17.3. relearning
17.3.1. learning something more quickly when you learn it a second or later time.
18. recognition is really high
19. we remember more than we can recall
19.1. importance of overlearning
20. Storing and retrieving memories
20.1. long-term memory is essentially limitless
20.2. our brain doesn't store things like a library instead it is rather a vast network of encoding, storing, and retrieving
21. explicit memory system
21.1. semantic
21.1.1. facts and general knowledge
21.2. episodic
21.2.1. experienced events
22. stored in frontal lobes and hippocampus
22.1. recalling and holding in working memory: left frontal lobe
22.2. visual party scene: right frontal lobe
22.3. hippocampus: like a save button for explicit memories like names images or events
22.3.1. left: verbal info
22.3.2. right: visual designs and locations
23. amygdala, emotions, and memory
23.1. stress hormones
23.1.1. fuel brain activity by producing more glucose
23.1.2. focus memory
23.1.3. provokes amygdala that gives memory trace
24. flashbulb memories
24.1. a clear memory of an emotionally significant event or moment
25. memory retrieval
25.1. going through a web of associations
25.2. priming
25.2.1. the activation, often unconsciously, of particular associations in memory.
25.3. context-dependent memory
25.3.1. doctor seen in unusual place know the person but can't put who it is.
25.3.2. scuba divers 10 feet under on beach
25.4. State and/or mood-dependent memory
25.4.1. being drunk
25.4.2. mood state magnify or exaggerate memory
25.4.3. recall experiences consistent with mood
25.5. serial position effect
25.5.1. primacy effect only first items recalled well
25.5.2. recency effect last items best with immediate recall
26. forgetting, memory construction, and improving memory
26.1. if we remembered everything, we should on most occasions be as ill off as if we remembered nothing."
27. anterograde amnesia
27.1. recall his past, but he could not form new memories (can't remember the future)
28. retrograde amnesia
28.1. inability to retrieve information from one's past (can't remember the past)
29. Encoding failure
29.1. much of what we sense we never notice and what we fail to encode we will never remember
30. how memories are forgotten
30.1. never recorded
30.2. discarded or decay
30.3. cant be retrieved
31. proactive interference
31.1. occurs when prior learning disrupts your recall of new information (old information messes with new)
32. retroactive interference
32.1. new learning disrupts recall of old information (new information messes with old)
33. the hour before sleep is a good time to commit information to memory
34. motivated forgetting
34.1. as we process information we filter, alter, or lose much of it
34.2. researchers told some participants about the benefits of frequent toothbrushing. Those individuals then recalled (more than others did) having frequently brushed their teeth in the preceding two weeks.
35. repression
35.1. in psychoanalytic theory, basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories
36. reconsolidation
36.1. process in which previously stored memories, when retrieved, are potentially altered before being stored again.
37. misinformation effect
37.1. when misleading information has corrupted one's memory of an event.
38. "It isn't so astonishing, the number of things I can remember, as the number of things I can remember that aren't so." -Mark Twain
39. source amnesia
39.1. attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced, heard about, read about, or imagined. (misattribution)
40. deja vu
40.1. that eerie sense that "I've experienced this before." Cues from the current situation may unconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience
41. improving memory
41.1. Rehearse repeatedly
41.1.1. use distributed (spaced) practice
41.2. make the material meainingful
41.3. activate retrieval cues
41.3.1. mentally re-create the situation, and the mood in which your original learning occurred.
41.4. use mnemonic devices
41.4.1. peg words
41.4.2. story of items with vivid images
41.4.3. rhythmic rhymes
41.5. minimize interference
41.5.1. study before sleep
41.5.2. do not schedule back-to-back for study topics likely to interfere with each other.
41.6. sleep more
41.6.1. even 10 minutes of waking rest enhances memory
41.7. test your knowledge
41.7.1. reahearse
41.7.2. find out what you don't know