I would like to become a Disaster Recovery Specialist for a Government Agency.

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I would like to become a Disaster Recovery Specialist for a Government Agency. by Mind Map: I would like to become a Disaster Recovery Specialist for a Government Agency.

1. What kind of degrees are most useful for this type of position

1.1. Homeland Security

1.1.1. Unnatural Disasters

1.2. Emercengy Management

1.2.1. Research courses typically involved with these degrees and compare to job requirements

1.3. Stormwater Management

2. What area of the world would I like to work in?

2.1. How much assistance do third-world countries have?

2.1.1. Potentially look into Peace Corps positions

2.1.2. Historical weather events

2.2. Where are the most threatened areas of the world?

2.2.1. USGS Mapping?

2.2.2. Use

3. What agencies have positions like this?

3.1. Local Government

3.1.1. Planning Dept and Public Works in charge of MS4 permit for Newtown. Are other local gov'ts similar? What is the MS4 Permit Emergency Management teams conduct monthly drills and have seminars Ask Halstead about who makes up that team and what they all bring to the table

3.2. State/Federal

3.2.1. Use state website to research positions and job descriptions

3.2.2. Use FEMA, EPA, HUD and DHS to research job positions

3.3. Grant Work?

3.4. Potential for grant writing specific to Hazard Mitigation- MS4?

4. Is it better to work for the private sector

4.1. Name some types of private companies

4.1.1. Use the online library to locate records of recent relief effort teams

4.1.2. Search common piggy-backing with Silver Jackets through their website

4.2. What kind of availability to funding do they have?

4.2.1. Grants through FEMA website