Endangerment of Bumblebees

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Endangerment of Bumblebees by Mind Map: Endangerment of Bumblebees

1. Rapid Climate Change

1.1. What is climate change?

1.1.1. A change in climate patterns in a region

1.2. How is this affecting Bumblebees?

1.2.1. When climate changes quickly, the bees do not know to move Northern, and this causes species to die, since they cannot adapt quick enough.

2. Destruction Of Habitat

2.1. What is destruction of habitat?

2.1.1. Habitat destruction is when a habitat can not support the species living inside, causing devastation to these species.

2.2. How is this affecting bumblebees?

2.2.1. Bees are very "habitat-specific", so degradation of habitat, from for example, extensive farming, causes the resources for bees to decrease.

3. Disease and Parasites

3.1. What is a disease?

3.1.1. A disease is a structure or function that usually causes specific symptoms and affects specific locations.

3.2. How does this affect the bumblebees?

3.2.1. Diseases can be dangerous and potentially wipe out a whole population, or damage size of population greatly.