Digital Citizenship and Web Awareness in the Classroom

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Digital Citizenship and Web Awareness in the Classroom by Mind Map: Digital Citizenship and Web Awareness in the Classroom

1. Cyberbullying

1.1. using technology for deliberate, repeated hostile behaviour intended to harm

1.1.1. many people say things online they wouldn't say in person

1.2. teach students to take proper precautions

1.2.1. do not engage with the bully

1.2.2. make copies of everything

1.2.3. advise school administration if needed

2. private or public?

2.1. nothing is ever totally private or gone from the internet

2.1.1. 69% of students think what they post online is public (Bright, Adams & Dyck) teach students about privacy settings teach students not to post personal info online teach students not to post plans online

2.2. many students share their passwords with friends

3. talking to strangers

3.1. 33% of students have talked to someone online that they haven't met in person(Bright, Adams & Dyck)

3.2. 25% of students would meet up with someone they met online (Bright, Adams & Dyck)

3.2.1. teach students not to add or meet up with people they don't know

3.3. 24% of students have received pornography from someone they have only met online (Bright, Adams & Dyck)

4. digital citizenship teaching strategies

4.1. through gaming

4.2. use analogies

4.3. use student-lead projects

4.4. role-playing

4.5. guest speakers

4.6. part of a research lesson

4.7. school-wide programs

5. digital access

5.1. not everyone has the same access to technology

5.1.1. have different resources for students who may not have access

5.1.2. teach students about how people should have equal access to digital technologies

6. digital etiquette or "netiquette"

6.1. appropriate vs. inappropriate behaviour

6.1.1. we must teach students how to be responsible citizens

6.2. don't spam and be careful

6.2.1. could be malware, scareware, viruses...

6.3. no hate speech

6.4. make sure spelling and grammar is correct before you send it

6.5. truth and integrity

6.5.1. be honest

6.5.2. read carefully and think critically