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Hindusim by Mind Map: Hindusim

1. Family Life

1.1. Marriage (Most likely arranged)

1.1.1. Arranged, specific gender roles

1.1.2. Marriage necklaces

1.1.3. Dowry

2. Around the World

2.1. Third largest religion with 900 million Hindus worldwide

2.2. Most live in India; followed by Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka,, Malaysia and beyond

2.3. Associated to Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism

3. The Caste System

3.1. Traditional Hindu society was divided into castes (social levels that vary depending on your past life)

3.2. Caste Hierarchy

3.2.1. 1. Brahmans (Priestly Caste)

3.2.2. 2. Kshatriyas (Warrior Caste)

3.2.3. 3. Vaishyas (Economical Caretakers Caste)

3.2.4. 4. Sudras (Menial workers)

3.2.5. 5. Untouchables (Outcastes)

3.3. Abolished today

3.3.1. Gandhi

4. History

4.1. Three Periods

4.1.1. Pre-Vedic Period 2500 to 1500 BCE Matriarchal society; lived in cities; worshipped mother Goddess

4.1.2. Vedic Period 1500 BCE - 600 BCE Named after Vedas: early sacred Hindu scriptures which were believed to have been collected this period Vedas were written in Sanskrit

4.1.3. Upanishadic Period 600 BCE - 200 BCE Worship began in temples; Upanishads were added

4.2. One of the Oldest Religions in the World

4.2.1. No single founder

4.2.2. Way of Life

4.2.3. Originated in India

5. Eternal Cycle of All Life

5.1. Samsara: law of birth, death and rebirth, or the process of reincarnation

5.1.1. The Goal in a Hindu's Life is to Achieve Moksha (Liberation from Samsara) The Path of Liberation: Yoga

5.2. How Someone is Born is Determined by the Law of Karma

5.2.1. It is a Hindu's Dharma to preform good deeds

6. Rituals

6.1. Personal Prayer: Puja

6.1.1. Worship the image of a Deity called a Murti Hindu Triad Brahma Vishnu Shiva

6.2. Temple Worship

6.2.1. Visit Mandirs Priest leads the ritual; beginning with the singing of Mantras

6.3. Following Guru's (wise teachers)

7. The Divine

7.1. Brahman

7.2. Atman

7.3. Maya

8. Four Stages of Life

8.1. 4. Wandering Ascetic

8.1.1. 3. Semi-retired 2. Housholder 1. Student

8.1.2. Death Cremation The Ganges; Ganga river (Hindu remains are spread here or in another body of water)

9. Central Beliefs

9.1. Scriptures

9.1.1. Revealed Scriptures Vedas

9.1.2. Traditional Scriptures Ramayana Bhagavad Gita

9.2. Ahimsa