Assessment Part 2

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Assessment Part 2 by Mind Map: Assessment Part 2

1. Community

1.1. Teachers

1.2. Students

1.3. Parents

1.4. School / Administration

1.5. Understanding

1.5.1. Reason for assessment

1.5.2. What is being assessed

1.5.3. Criteria for success

1.5.4. Method of assessment

2. Methods of Assessment

2.1. Selection

2.2. Design

2.3. Fair

2.4. Appropriate

2.5. Summative

2.5.1. Informs and improves student learning and teaching process

2.6. Formative

2.6.1. Promotes learning Regular and Helpful feedback

2.6.2. Improves knowledge and understandin

2.6.3. develops capacity for self assessment

2.6.4. recognition of criteria for success

2.6.5. thoughtful reflection

2.7. Effective

2.7.1. Teachers

2.7.2. Studetns

2.7.3. Parents

3. Tools of Assessment

3.1. Rubrics

3.2. Exemplers

3.3. Checklists

3.4. Anecdotal Records

3.5. Continuums

4. Self evaluation and reflection

4.1. Students

4.2. Teachers

4.3. Community

5. Teaching

5.1. Learning Outcomes

5.2. Report

5.3. Self evaluation and reflection

6. Learning

6.1. student Performance

6.1.1. Knowledge What they know

6.1.2. Concepts What they understand

6.1.3. Skills What they can do

6.1.4. Attitudes What/How they feel

6.1.5. action What they choose to apply/utilise

6.1.6. Self evaluation and reflection

7. Feedback

8. Strategies for Assessment

8.1. Observations

8.2. Performance Assessments

8.3. Process focussed assessments

8.4. Selected Responses

8.5. Open ended tasks