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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. Formative

1.1. on going

2. Summative

2.1. final exam

2.1.1. performance essay

3. why

3.1. when

3.1.1. how share learning/knowledge, learning styles, reflection, experiences, interpretations, improvement process,respond, evidence gathering, collaborate, flexible,

3.1.2. beginning/middle/end??

3.2. progress

3.2.1. deoumentation - portfolios

3.2.2. reporting parents, reflect values, honesty, clear,

4. Feedback

4.1. Student

4.2. Parent

4.2.1. inform of what they are learning, understand performance and opportunities for positive

5. Goal setting

5.1. individual/together with teacher

6. strategies

6.1. observations, performance, process focussed, selected responses, open ended tasks

7. tools

7.1. rubrics, examplars, checklists, anecdotal records, continumums