Facebook Status Update: Adults and Teenagers, who is more positive on Social Media?

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Facebook Status Update: Adults and Teenagers, who is more positive on Social Media? by Mind Map: Facebook Status Update: Adults and  Teenagers, who is more positive on Social Media?

1. Beings

1.1. Adults with jobs

1.2. Adults with kids

1.3. Coaches

1.4. Married couples

2. Environment

2.1. Home

2.2. Work

2.3. Vacation

2.4. College

2.5. Gym\ workout facility

2.6. Church

2.7. Day care

3. Events

3.1. Birthday parties

3.2. Sporting events

3.3. Anniversary trips

3.4. Coaching Sporting events

3.5. Anticipating getting of work because of long shifts

4. Text

4.1. GIF's

4.2. Shared Posts

4.3. Link to shopping website

4.4. Memes

5. Dispositions

5.1. Most of the adults had something positive to say and a good disposition. They were a few people who had negative posts, they had many issues within their life. Which they posted in some of the negative posts.

6. ADULTS (over 21)

7. Beings

7.1. Athletes

7.2. Woring teenagers

7.3. Bored teenages

7.4. Teenagers who are parents

7.5. Single teenagers

8. Environment

8.1. School

8.2. Home

8.3. Work

8.4. Public places ex: movies, restaurants, etc

9. Events

9.1. Attending birthday parties

9.2. Pep rally's

9.3. Sporting Events

9.4. Dates at restaurants

9.5. Church

9.6. Hospital visits

10. Text

10.1. GIF''s

10.2. Shared Posts

10.3. Quotes related to update

11. Dispositions

11.1. Most of the status updates that were negative came from teens that we're bored. The teens that were working, involved in sports and were parents made positive posts.