Modeling People from Visual Data - TEDxVienna 2017

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Modeling People from Visual Data - TEDxVienna 2017 by Mind Map: Modeling People from Visual Data - TEDxVienna 2017

1. Applications of the technology

1.1. See Yourself in a New Light

1.2. Half a million missing children 2016 USA

1.3. Find out how missing kids will look like many years later

1.3.1. Combine the aging face technology with the different styling options like hair colors

2. Questions

2.1. How will I look in the future?

2.2. What if I exercise more?

2.3. Will black hair fit me?

3. Built search engine

3.1. Put in any term

3.1.1. e.g. "India" See yourself in Indian styles

4. Speaker


4.1.1. Computer Scientist | USA

4.1.2. kemelmi (@kemelmi) | Twitter

5. Photo collection

5.1. Detect all faces

5.2. Focus on single person

5.2.1. e.g. her daughter

5.3. Create graph where each photo is represented by node

5.4. Edges present similarities (hair style, time it was taken etc.)

5.5. Use computer to create a path, a story

5.5.1. Algorithm

5.5.2. Play chronologically, show 20 years in 30 seconds creates magic

6. Can I teach a computer to show what my daughter will look like in the future?

6.1. Need to be able to estimate the average aging transformation for people

6.2. Apply to any photo out there