global supply chain Dell notebook

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global supply chain Dell notebook by Mind Map: global supply chain Dell notebook

1. Post order

1.1. loaded

1.1.1. Pallet

1.1.2. Protective foam

1.2. Heading shipment

1.2.1. shipping address

2. Components?

2.1. Global

2.2. More than 30 components

2.2.1. The keyboard

2.2.2. cooling fan

2.2.3. Intel microprocessor

2.2.4. graphics card

3. Pre order

3.1. Personal info

3.1.1. shipping address

3.1.2. Billing address

3.1.3. Credit card info Visa

4. Suppliers?

4.1. multiple suppliers

4.2. supplier logistics centers

4.2.1. Dell parts just in-time manufacturing

4.2.2. Staging areas

4.3. Global

5. Factories

5.1. Ireland

5.2. China

5.3. Brazil

5.4. Tenessee US

5.5. Texas US

5.6. Malaysia