Choosing whether to have unprotected sex or not.

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Choosing whether to have unprotected sex or not. by Mind Map: Choosing whether to have unprotected sex or not.

1. Choose to have unprotected sex.

1.1. High risk of STDs.

1.2. High risk of pregnancy.

1.3. Parents might find out.

1.3.1. They'd be extremely mad. More mad than if their kid had protected sex.

2. Choose not to have unprotected sex.

2.1. Have protected sex.

2.1.1. Lower risk of STDs.

2.1.2. Lower risk of pregnancy.

2.1.3. Parents might find out. They'd be mad. Not as mad as they would if their kid had unprotected sex.

2.2. Don't have sex at all.

2.2.1. No risk of STDs.

2.2.2. No risk of pregnancy.