What words to we associate with mental health and mental illnesses?

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What words to we associate with mental health and mental illnesses? by Mind Map: What words to we associate with mental health and mental illnesses?

1. depression

1.1. anxiety

1.1.1. sadness popularness

2. My brain hurt

3. No you

4. :(

4.1. Sadness face

4.2. =(

5. So sad

6. Illness= ADHD

7. WHo ever did this WHY!!!!!

8. happiness

9. mental

10. my dick hurt

10.1. cool bro

10.1.1. no one cares

11. when you hear that checker dance

12. Depression

13. stress

14. Why tho


16. vat your pp never hurt before

17. feeling sad

18. <0/

19. me dick stinks

20. Depression

20.1. Being happy

20.2. Anxiety

21. friendship status

22. depression

22.1. wellbeing

22.2. anxiety

22.3. Sadness

22.4. suicide

22.5. getting bullied

23. State of mind

24. How you feel about yourself

24.1. not great

24.1.1. im not even joking

25. :(

26. #friends

26.1. don't care of you

27. How you can respond to certain situations that are thrown at you during your life.

28. happiness

28.1. anxiety

29. sad boi hours

30. feelings

30.1. good

30.1.1. bad

31. Depression

32. brain

33. illness=zach

34. eshay

35. deep sadness