Country Project: Technology Tips

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Country Project: Technology Tips by Mind Map: Country Project: Technology Tips

1. Glogster

1.1. Import music

1.2. Change wall

1.3. Import photos

1.4. "Live" oral presentation

2. Storybird

2.1. Print color copy

2.2. Publish online

2.3. Grammar-based

3. Animoto

3.1. Create a soundtrack

3.1.1. Background music

3.1.2. Narration

3.2. Find photos

3.3. Find clip art

4. Power Point

4.1. Insert photos

4.2. Use transitions

4.3. Use clip art

4.3.1. currency

4.3.2. maps

4.3.3. flag

4.4. "Live" oral presentation

5. Movie maker

5.1. National Anthem

5.2. Video

5.3. Photos

5.4. Recorded presentation