Technology into a classroom

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Technology into a classroom by Mind Map: Technology into a classroom

1. Advantages

1.1. Facilitate the use of interactive tools

1.2. It is not necessary to use additional material

1.3. Facilitates the sell-learning

1.4. Learning is enjoyable

1.5. Enhance the learning process

1.6. Enhance the learning process

1.7. Develop creativity and curiosity

1.8. Access to current information

1.9. Make easier and more efficient the process of learning

1.10. Inclusive learning

2. Disadvantages

2.1. Confusion between games and learning tools

2.2. Constant training to know it

2.3. Use it without supervision by the teacher

2.4. The quality of the required information is not adequate

3. Pamela Tatiana Bermeo Maurat