Different Types of Energies

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Different Types of Energies by Mind Map: Different Types of Energies

1. Chemical Energy

1.1. Energy produced from chemical interactions.

1.2. Example: Turning a liquid into a gas, Digesting food in your body.

2. Radiant Energy

2.1. A combination of heat and light energy.

2.2. Example: A light bulb, The sun.

3. Electrical Energy

3.1. Energy produced from electrons moving through a medium.

3.2. Example: Batteries, TV's, Video Games, Cell phones, Computers

4. Sound Energy

4.1. Occurs when an object is made to vibrate through a medium.

4.2. Produces waves!

4.3. Example: Musical instruments, A speaker.

5. Mechanical Energy

5.1. Energy produced from moving objects.

5.2. Example: Riding a bike, Riding a roller coaster.

5.3. Sub energies include gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.

6. Atomic Energy

6.1. Energy that occurs after splitting atoms.

6.2. Example: An atomic bomb.