Explorers and Conquerors

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Explorers and Conquerors by Mind Map: Explorers and Conquerors

1. Christopher Columbus

1.1. trips across the Atlantic Ocean: 1492, 1493, 1498, and 1502.

1.2. Discoverd the "Americas"

1.3. Spain funded his voyage across the Atlantic

1.4. Promised Spain spices upon his return

1.5. Sailed on a boat named "Santa Maria"

1.6. Thought he was in India when he discovered the Americas

2. John Cabot

2.1. Discovered coast of North America in 1497

2.2. Started process of British claiming Canada

2.3. Born in Italy in 1450

2.4. Claimed Canadian land thinking it was Asia

2.5. Was under commission of Henry VII of England

2.6. "John Day Letter" was about him

3. Prince Henry

3.1. Captured Moorish Port at age 21

3.2. Sponsored the Portugal Voyage

3.3. nicknamed "The Navigator"

3.4. Taxed 20% on his voyages...became wealthy

3.5. Pushed for the exploration of Africa

3.6. discovered Azores and Madeira islands

4. Ferdinand Magellan

4.1. Organized Spanish expedition

4.2. Sought out to find the Pacific Ocean

4.3. entered Rio de Janeiro on December 13th

4.4. Died when he reached the Philippeans

4.5. did not turn back to return to Spain

4.6. completed first circumnavigation by Juan Elcano