Explorers & Conquerors

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Explorers & Conquerors by Mind Map: Explorers & Conquerors

1. Christopher Columbus

1.1. Sailed across the Atlantic in 1492

1.1.1. Funded by Ferdinand and Isabella, the Spanish monarchs

1.2. Born in Genoa, Italy, in about 1451

1.3. In 1493, he returned to America from Spain

1.4. In 1498 he sailed to America for the 3rd time

1.5. In 1502 he sailed to America for the last time

1.6. Led to the exploration & utilization on America

2. Francisco Pizarro

2.1. Born in Trujillo, Spain, in about 1474

2.2. Conquered the Incan Empire of Peru

2.3. Distant cousin of Hernan Cortes

2.4. Joined Vasco de Balboa’s expedition to Columbia

2.5. Sentenced Atahualpa, the Inca King, to death

2.6. Died in Peru in 1541

3. Hernan Cortes

3.1. Born in Medellin, Spain, in 1485

3.2. In 1504 he sailed for the Dominican Republic

3.3. Moved to Cuba in 1511 to assist Velázquez

3.4. In 1523 he became governor of New Spain

3.5. Discovered and named California

3.6. Died on December 2, 1547

4. Ferdinand Magellan

4.1. First European to cross the Pacific

4.2. Discovered the Strait of Magellan

4.3. Born in Sabrosa, Portugal, in 1480

4.4. Magellan's voyage provided the Europeans with lots of spices

4.4.1. As well as geographical knowledge

4.5. Died on April 27, 1521

5. Vasco Balboa

5.1. Born in Jerez de los Caballeros, Spain, in 1475

5.2. Expedition to the coast of Urabá in 1510

5.3. Interim governor of Darién in 1511

5.4. Helped establish first settlement in Darién

5.5. Sighted and claimed the Pacific Ocean

5.6. Died on January of 1519