Explorers and Conquerors

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Explorers and Conquerors by Mind Map: Explorers and Conquerors

1. Known for explorations into Canada and Northeastern parts of U.S.

2. Died: May 20, 1506 in Spain

3. Intended to find Northeast passage to Asia but didn't

4. Ferdinand Magellan

4.1. Born: 1480 in Portugal & died: 1521

4.2. Coordinated the Spanish exploration to the East Indies

4.3. Big contribution to the first circumnavigation around Earth

4.4. 1520-Discovered Magellanic Penguin, so they're named after him

4.5. Discovered Strait of Magellan

4.6. Known as first European to go through Pacific

5. Henry Hudson

5.1. Attended Harvard University

5.2. Born: 1565 in England & died: 1611

5.3. Discovered Whale's Bay, furthering coal industry

5.4. Discovered Hudson Bay and Hudson Strait

6. Intended to find waterway from Europe- Asia but didn't

7. Became governor and Captain General for New Spain

8. Arrived in America, leading to civilization

9. Christopher Columbus

9.1. Born: October 31, 1451 in Italy

9.2. Four trips from Spain across Atlantic

9.3. Encountered Native Americans in New World

10. Hernán Cortés

10.1. Born: 1485 in Spain

10.2. Studied law originally but changed to becoming explorer

10.3. Led to defeat of Aztec Empire

10.4. 1518-Began expedition from Spain to Mexico

10.5. Died: December 2, 1547 in Spain

11. Francisco Pizarro

11.1. Born: 26 July 1474 in Spain

11.2. Led expedition that defeated Inca Empire

11.3. With Alonso de Ojeda, sailed from Spain-New World

11.4. 1541-Diego de Almagro assassinated him in Lima

11.5. Killed Atahualpa, Incan Emperor

11.6. 1526: Expedition from Panama-Colombia