SS.912.C.2.13 - Analyze various forms of political communication and evaluate for bias, factual a...

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SS.912.C.2.13 - Analyze various forms of political communication and evaluate for bias, factual accuracy, omission, and emotional appeal. by Mind Map: SS.912.C.2.13 - Analyze various forms of political communication and evaluate for bias, factual accuracy, omission, and emotional appeal.

1. Political Speeches

1.1. When political candidates go out and campaign to get voters to vote for them, they not only talk about what they want to do, but often time they trash talk their opponents.

1.1.1. For instance, the 2016 election between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, they both gave many speeches.

2. Political Cartoon

2.1. Democrat VS Republican

2.1.1. When sketching political cartoons, people often take the "bad" qualities of each side and exaggerate them to try and sway peoples opinions.

2.2. Often times, the artists of political cartoons already have a bias opinion about/against what they are drawing.

3. Media

3.1. Different news stations are often biased. Fox News, Breitbart, and Info Wars lean Republican while MSNBC, CNN, and NBC lean Democratic. So, when discussing different topics about the two parties, often times the opinions are biased.

3.2. Some news stations that are unbiased are C-Span and BBC.