Unit 1: Going Underground

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Unit 1: Going Underground by Mind Map: Unit 1: Going Underground

1. enviroment (n) /ɪnˈvaɪ.rən.mənt/

1.1. def: the conditions that you live or work in and the way that they influence how you feel or how effectively you can work

1.2. example: My working enviroment is adverse.

2. ethnic (adj) /ˈeθ.nɪk/

2.1. def: relating to a particular race of people

2.2. example: There're more than 50 ethnic groups of people in Vietnam.

3. liberal (adj) /ˈlɪb.ər.əl/

3.1. def: respecting and allowing many different types of beliefs or behaviour

3.2. example: He has very liberal attitudes towards sex.

4. locate (v) /ləʊˈkeɪt/

4.1. def: be located in, near, on, etc.

4.2. example: My school is located near a market.

5. notwithstanding (adv) /ˌnɒt.wɪðˈstæn.dɪŋ/

5.1. def: despite the fact or thing mentioned

5.2. example: Injuries notwithstanding, the team won the semifinal.

6. similar (adj) /ˈsɪm.ɪ.lər/

6.1. def: looking or being almost, but not exactly, the same

6.2. example: She and her sister are very similar in appearance.

7. technique (n) /tekˈniːk/

7.1. def: a way of doing an activity that needs skill

7.2. example: His cooking technique is amazing.

8. emerge (v) /ɪˈmɜːdʒ/

8.1. def: move out of or away from something and come into view.

8.2. example: Black ravens emerged from the fog

9. immigrate (v) /ˈɪm.ɪ.ɡreɪt/

9.1. def: to come to live in a different country

9.2. example: He immigrated with his parents in 1895 and grew up on Long Island.

10. predict (v) /prɪˈdɪkt/

10.1. def: to say that an event or action will happen in the future, especially as a result of knowledge or experience

10.2. example: I cannot predict what will happen next year.

11. structure (n) /ˈstrʌk.tʃər/

11.1. def: the way in which the parts of a system or object are arranged or organized, or a system arranged in this way

11.2. example: The structure of this protein is particularly complex.

12. unique (adj) /juːˈniːk/

12.1. def: being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unusual, or special in some way

12.2. example: Fingerprints are unique to every individual.

13. assume (v) /əˈsjuːm/

13.1. def: suppose to be the case, without proof.

13.2. example: I don't care what people assume about me

14. create (v) /kriˈeɪt/

14.1. def: to make something new, or invent something

14.2. example: Charles Schulz created the characters "Snoopy" and "Charlie Brown".