1. Teacher Perspective
1.1. As Jamie’s teacher, I would find the issue revolving around Jamie’s outbursts in the classroom significantly challenging. I think that I would find the issue challenging because if I were to read a previous teachers commentary perspective, a teacher that was able to recognize the same issues happening in the classroom with the same student, I would question whether or not their studies on the issue were successful. In this case the previous teacher commented on the fact that Jamie is the youngest student in his class, and perhaps his maturity level was slightly lower than his fellow students at that time. However, as Jamie progresses from one class to another, there are only so many times that you can blame his outburst on maturity level. The fact that a year or so later, his classmates and teacher are suffering and loosing engagement in the lesson due to his choices demonstrates that perhaps there is something more the maturity. Or maybe there is something as educators that we can do to retain the excitement and agitation that Jamie displays, in order to allow the class to come together as effective learners. For example, rather than putting Jamie on an IEP right away, the teacher can modify the lesson and lesson plan to allow for more interactive concepts with the students. Therefore, Jamie would be moving around and blowing off energy as he is continuing to learn. In the text I think it was clever that they gave Jamie extra time to work on his assignment and to catch up on any skills that are lacking, through his weekly visits with the resource teacher. This has clearly allowed Jamie to catch up and to feel as if he is more of a part of the classroom environment with his fellow students. As the teacher I would feel more comfortable adjusting my lesson to better suit the needs of a student, because this would reduce the likelihood of Jamie having another outburst and would allow for the class as a whole to continue learning effectively. By adjusting my lesson, Jamie catching up on assignments and skills with his resource teacher, and Jamie feeling as more of a part of the classroom, I would feel successful as a teacher because my classroom and lessons would be inclusive to the students and would allow progression of their academic achievement.
2. Parent Perspective
2.1. If I was Jamie’s mother, I would feel like Jamie’s outburst, slow academic achievement, and difficulty socializing would be a stressful and important issue to me. I would want any child of mine to have friends at school, understand the material they are learning, and progress forward with a positive future of their choice. Even though Jamie is still young, in order to move forward he needs to develop these skills now. So overall, I would be stressed and worried about Jamie’s initial standing at school. In the actual case study Jamie’s parents agreed to have Jamie assessed and I would like to think I would do the same thing as a parent of Jamie’s. Although the concept of having your child assessed might be a “mental block” to get passed ultimately as a parent you would have to do what is necessary so that your child has a chance to be successful and thrive in the school environment. I would have responded positively to this and would think it is a great first step in the plan of action. I would approve of the strategy to meet with a learning resource teacher to get the help Jamie needs and give him that time to “close the gap” and learn specific things he has the most difficulty with in a one on one environment. I would be very pleased that this first step started to improve his academics, which caused no more outbursts, which in turn caused the students to want to work with him more, improving him socially. The one thing I would have been concerned about as a parent would be trying to find the balance between getting Jamie the extra help he needs, while still including him in the classroom and not removing him from the regularities of everyday classroom learning. So, I would be very pleased with the approach the teacher took with using universal design for learning and differentiated instruction to accommodate both Jamie and other students, which helps keep them equal with their peers in the classroom. I would also be very happy with the support and care the staff showed Jamie at his school. I agree with the strategies taken and obviously in the case study everything worked out for Jamie, proving to be an effective solution.
3. Connections to Prior Readings
3.1. The choice of blending universal design for learning and differentiated instruction (DI) is a great teaching solution. Jamie gets accommodated unknowingly in the classroom but then is provided with an avenue to learn that best suites him. Another course concept that got brought up was assessment. By having Jamie assessed his teachers would have been able to develop his program that was going to (hopefully) cause success. It puts a magnifying glass on his abilities, intelligence, strengths, needs, and behaviors, which is all necessary to understand Jamie and be able to provide him with the best DI possible.
4. Case Study Overview
4.1. Jamie is a student in Gr. 2, who has struggled in the previous two grades both socially and academically. Ms. Markesh, who knows Jamie as a student, has suggested that Jamie might be having developmental difficulties due to his age as he was the youngest student in his class. His new teacher, Ms. Singh, feels like Jamie is struggling with more than just maturity, she feels like Jamie needs an adapted learning program. The two teachers decided to bring this issue to the attention of the in-school team. As this was happening Jamie started meeting with the learning resource teach twice a week. They decided upon giving Jamie some wiggle room to complete his work, to a point that Ms. Singh was comfortable with. Ms. Singh then noticed that Jamie’s outbursts dropped dramatically and that he was willing to work with others much more frequently. Overall, the in-school team decided that Jamie did not need an identification, and his assessment just needed to be monitored to help promote his success.
4.1.1. As the student in this scenario, I would be feeling very frustrated currently in the classroom. I would be having a hard time understanding concepts in the classroom and I would not know how to express this to my teacher. Since I am having trouble understanding the concepts in class, and because I am seeing other students have no trouble with the concepts while I struggle. This could lead to outbursts in class or even lead to me shutting down completely in class. With the difficulties I have had so far with class, I would be open to any changes in the classroom. If I was presented with the idea of an adapted learning program I feel as if I would find it very helpful and I would look forward to the change. If I had the chance to propose a plan, I would want to have a plan that slows down the pace of the lesson. I find that the lesson is moving too quickly and I find it very difficult to keep up with the others. The other thing that I would like is more time to work on assignments and activities. I just feel as if I do not have enough time to finish all the work that is asked of me. If my teacher could just find ways to give me more time both in class, as well as at home with more time to do work on my assignments. To make this work in the classroom I would just ask for my teacher to create worksheets and lesson plans for me to look over during the lesson. I would need those sheets to be laid out very clearly so that I could follow along with the lesson step by step. I would also find it helpful to meet with either my teacher, or a tutor once or twice a week to help me understand the concepts of the class. This would help me in following along during the lessons in class. If these modifications were made I would feel much more comfortable in the classroom, and I would be able to become more involved in the classroom. As of right now, I find that I rarely get involved in the classroom. I do not want to be involved because I am worried that I will not know what I am talking about. If I was given my own way of learning the lessons than I would have a better understanding of the topics. With a modified version of the lesson, I would be able to speak to my classmates with much more confidence and that would allow me to be more confident in speaking more often. I have not been diagnosed with a learning disability, and that is why I do not feel like I need a fully modified lesson plan. Being the youngest student in the class has hampered me so far in school, and I feel as if I am not able to think as quickly as the rest of my classmates. Socially and academically I just feel like I have not developed as quickly as other students and it is hindering me in the classroom. I feel like I am in a zone of proximal development (ZPD) where I am able to learn the concepts from class, but I need some sort of guidance from the teacher. I don’t feel like I am unable to learn, but I just need some extra help from the teacher during classes. I can be successful in class, but I just need the teacher to understand how to work with me in a ZPD and with a slightly different learning plan.