The Characteristics of a Business Lette

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The Characteristics of a Business Lette by Mind Map: The Characteristics of a Business Lette

1. Logical sequencie of reading by using connectors

2. Incorrect punctuation

3. I received

3.1. We received

4. This is to inform you

4.1. I am happy to informe you

5. Spelling mistakes

5.1. Typing mistakes

6. Essential

6.1. Clarity

6.1.1. Is easy to understand. It trasmits all of the important ideas.

6.2. Integrity

6.2.1. When all the ideas dealing with a certain topic have been included in a letter.

6.3. Brevity

6.3.1. Only a minium of words to make the buisness massage .

6.4. Courtesy

6.4.1. We have received Thanking you for

6.4.2. Always cordial, positive and favorable so as to increase the good will

7. Completementary

7.1. Correctness

7.1.1. Whithout Errors Ex.

7.2. Cohesion or continuaty

7.3. Motivation

7.3.1. Why that the reader will rea favorably upon finding what interests him.

7.4. Positive Language

7.4.1. Assure a possive attitude from the reader tower the message

7.5. Modern Language

7.5.1. Apply updated Ex.