Research on Mobile technology

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Research on Mobile technology by Mind Map: Research on Mobile technology

1. Type of mobile device use

1.1. Cell phone

1.2. PDA

1.3. IPod

2. Learn academic context in real world contex

3. Two-tier Tests Guiding Mechanism (T3G) that guided students to observe predetermined plants in an outdoor nature setting

4. Positive learning outcomes

5. new phone functionalities will complicated established research approaches (comparision studies difficult)

6. Prohibited the use of mobile device

6.1. Use of mobile device outside school

7. Language learning

8. communication & collaboration

9. Application of mobile technology in different Subject Area

9.1. Natural science

9.1.1. PDA use had the potential to engage students in mobilized outdoor science learning

9.2. Mathematics

9.3. Language art

9.3.1. PDA use by the students in their daily lives increased English language practice

9.4. Social studies

9.4.1. more studies using customized learning objects and fewer using "off-the-shelf" apps

10. Research method

10.1. more empirical studies are needed

10.2. Comparative studies

10.2.1. connection to learning theories

10.2.2. Neutral learning outcomes

10.3. Non-comparative studies

11. Country

11.1. Asia

11.2. Europe

11.3. South America

11.4. North America

11.5. Middle East

11.6. Australia/ Oceania

11.7. Multinational

12. School level

12.1. conflicts with school electronic device use policy

12.2. digital inequality

12.3. adult education

12.4. upgrading school networks to meet the new trends

12.5. Concern that mobile devices can increase off-task risk - risky behavior by students

13. Learning contex

13.1. learning outside the classroom

13.2. expanding the school day

14. game-based learning

14.1. Social studies (Statecraft X)

14.2. Medieval history (Frequency 1550)

14.3. Math (My-Mini-Pet)

15. Multiple affordances

15.1. multimedia-access tool

15.2. connectivity tool

15.3. capture tool

15.4. representational tool

16. School Policy

17. Learning objects

17.1. Apps

17.1.1. Downloadable apps on touch screen device

17.1.2. Several apps used in the study

17.1.3. Custom designed complex learning tools

18. Application evaluation studies