Ozone Depletion Dana Hamou and Sadia Ahmed

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Ozone Depletion Dana Hamou and Sadia Ahmed by Mind Map: Ozone Depletion Dana Hamou and Sadia Ahmed

1. known as the ozone hole

2. is defined as

2.1. the thinning of the ozone layer

2.1.1. in the

3. higher levels in the

3.1. stratosphere

3.1.1. ozone performs an important function of prevent most of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation from passing through earth’s atmosphere

3.2. troposphere

3.2.1. has a component of photochemical smog which leaves causes

4. CASE STUDY (1980) Antarctic

4.1. scientists discovered in the Antarctic spring (September and October)

4.1.1. the ozone layer was thinning in the lower stratosphere caused by increasing concentrations of ozone-depleting chemicals generated worldwide concern over increased cancer risks and other negative effects these risks led to the creation of

5. Depletion Effects

5.1. Environment

5.1.1. deforestation, interrupting the developmental process of plants/marine lifeby apart from the growth physiological and developmental processes of plants are affected how nutrients are distributed within the plant is affected

5.1.2. can kill one-celled organisms that live near the surface of the ocean

5.2. Humans

5.2.1. non-melanoma skin cancer

5.2.2. cataracts: a disease of the eye which clouds the eye’s lens

5.2.3. permanent exposure can lead to the weakening of the response of the immune system and permanent damage to the immune system in some cases

6. made of

6.1. 3 oxygen atoms (O3)

6.2. Ozone layer

6.2.1. blocks dangerous UV rays from entering

6.2.2. deteriorating due to pollution

7. Located

7.1. 10 to 50km above Earth

7.2. Polar vortex

7.2.1. traps ozone depleted air over Antarctic when broken up, disperses could lead to

8. Solutions to depletion of the ozone include

8.1. limit private vehicle driving

8.1.1. as vehicular emissions eventually result in smog, which causes the deterioration of the ozone layer

8.1.2. carpooling, taking public transport, walking, using a bicycle would limit the usage of individual transportation

8.2. switch to cars/vehicles that have a hybrid or electric zero-emission engine

8.3. avoid using pesticides

8.3.1. instead you should try weed manually or mow your garden consistently to avoid weed-growth organic farming

8.4. don’t buy aerosol products with chlorofluorocarbons

9. it's more prominent in the polar regions because

9.1. special atmospheric and chemical conditions that exist there and nowhere else on the globe

9.2. CFCs and other ozone-depleting substances (ODS) stay in the atmosphere for a long time

9.3. it often forms when temperatures in the stratosphere drop to unusually low levels

9.3.1. which cause polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) to form reactions that occur in PSCs combined with the polar stratospheric air

9.4. man-made greenhouse gas emissions which may cause climate change