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ADDIE by Mind Map: ADDIE

1. procedure for training the facilitators and the learners is developed

1.1. Ask: How do I motivate students?

1.2. Determine: Method of introducing lesson

1.3. Choose: Questions that will be asked

1.4. Determine: best way to use media

1.5. Summarize: each lesson or presentation

1.6. Determine: best use of time

2. Evaluate

2.1. determine success, what needs to be changed to improve the course, and who needs to be consulted to determine correctness of content

2.1.1. Ask: How will I know if my course has been successful?

2.1.2. Find: experts to review material

2.1.3. Determine: Changes that need to be made to improve course

3. Implement

4. Develop

4.1. create and assemble the content assets that were blueprinted in the design phase. In this phase, storyboards are created, content is written and graphics are designed

4.1.1. Ask: How do I create a lesson plan?

4.1.2. Determine: Content Organization

4.1.3. Include: Apropriate activities for students

4.1.4. Ask: How do I provide the right practice for students?

4.1.5. Find: Media

4.1.6. Design: Confirming and corrective feedback

5. Analyze

5.1. instructional problem is clarified, the instructional goals and objectives are established and the learning environment and learner's existing knowledge and skills are identified.

5.1.1. Ask: Who are my learners? Determine: Level & Amount of needed content

5.1.2. Ask: What are my goals?

5.1.3. Determine: Skills & behaviors to be taught

5.1.4. Find: Resources

6. Design

6.1. learning objectives, assessment instruments, exercises, content, subject matter analysis, lesson planning and media selection.

6.1.1. Ask: How will the content and actitvities be sequenced?

6.1.2. Determine: Objectives of each unit

6.1.3. Choose: Methodology to achieve outcomes

6.1.4. Find: Media and other resources to be used

6.1.5. Determine: Type of assessment