EVENT PLANNER : International Unique project Meaningful work

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EVENT PLANNER : International Unique project Meaningful work by Mind Map: EVENT PLANNER : International   Unique project  Meaningful work

1. My career 3/5 years

1.1. Manage my team work

1.1.1. Involved people

1.1.2. Not only carrierist

1.2. Have a salary rewarding my work

1.2.1. 32 - 40K/year

1.3. Project Director

1.3.1. Sport competition

1.3.2. Culture

2. Expectations

2.1. Be part of a team

2.2. Do a valuable work : be recognize

2.3. Help improve the society

2.4. Well balance between professional and personnal life

3. My integration

3.1. Be sociable

3.2. Take the opportunities

3.3. Be receptive to critics

3.4. Be on the same wavelength as the company

3.5. Do not be affraid to make mistakes

4. Job description

4.1. Tasks

4.1.1. Consult and coordinate

4.1.2. Confer with stakeholder

4.2. Require Skills / Knowledge

4.2.1. Critical thinking

4.2.2. Coordination/ Organizing / Prioritizing

4.3. Knowledge

4.3.1. Languages

4.3.2. Administration and management

4.3.3. Customer and personal service

4.3.4. Communication

5. My Personality

5.1. Organize

5.2. Positive

5.3. Open minded

5.4. Adaptable

5.5. Outgoing

6. Research

6.1. Channel for job hunting

6.1.1. Skema job search

6.1.2. Direct offers for Master Event and Tourism

6.1.3. Internet plateforme: Indeed, Wizzbizz

6.1.4. Database alumni 2015/2016

6.1.5. Linkedin

6.2. Networking

6.2.1. Volunteering

6.2.2. Hostess - punctual Job

6.2.3. MPI membership