End of Poverty (10) The Voiceless Dying Africa and Disease

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End of Poverty (10) The Voiceless Dying Africa and Disease by Mind Map: End of Poverty (10) The Voiceless Dying Africa and Disease

1. 2 conventional wisdom of Africa's perpetual poverty that are not really the root cause

1.1. Corruption

1.1.1. More corrupt nations has grown economically India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh

1.1.2. How can corruption be measured by a single number?

1.1.3. Corruption is complex and multi-demensional. Some corruptions block development; some merely benefit unfairly from development, etc.

1.2. Western Hegemony

1.2.1. Slave Colonialism

1.2.2. Pawn in Cold War

2. More Comprehensive Diagnosis

2.1. Disease

2.1.1. Malaria Tropical Disease 50 billion cases/yr. 3 million deaths/yr, 90% in Africa Huge economic impact Fact: Africa's strain of Malaria is much worst than others' Unlucky Prevention & Treatment Known Need aid - $2-$3 B Little aid is provided

2.1.2. HIV/AIDS

2.1.3. Disease causes Poverty, and vice versa

2.2. Weather: Drought

2.3. Geography: Distance from Markets

2.4. No Basic Infrastructure

2.4.1. Roads, motor transportation

2.4.2. Electricity,Telecomm.

2.4.3. Clean Water

2.5. Unbalanced: No analysis of bad governance

2.6. Demographics: Illiteracy, Pop. Growth