Recycling Mania's Field

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Recycling Mania's Field by Mind Map: Recycling Mania's Field

1. To relax / To have fun

1.1. Playground

1.1.1. Skate Park

1.1.2. Shanty

1.1.3. Recycling Games

1.2. A big Parc, model of biodiversity

1.2.1. Nouveau sujet

1.3. A swimming-pool

1.4. Football ground

2. The Farm


3. To learn

3.1. Classrooms

3.2. Teachers

4. To learn by an alternative way

4.1. Yellow Caravan

4.2. Blue Caravan

4.3. Red Caravan

5. Developpment of "self management" and "own consiousness"

5.1. Recycling bins

5.2. Clothes containers

5.3. Meeting's Room

5.4. Biodiversity parc

5.5. Participation of the life of the farm