Pre Calculus Trimester 1 Topics

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Pre Calculus Trimester 1 Topics by Mind Map: Pre Calculus Trimester 1 Topics

1. Quadratics

1.1. Quadratic formula

1.2. Completing the square formula

1.3. Factoring

1.4. Discriminant

1.5. Vertex Formula

2. Graphical and algebraic properties of quadratics

2.1. roots

2.2. x-intercepts

2.3. y-intercept

2.4. vertex

2.5. axis of symmetry

2.6. symmetric point

3. Lines

3.1. find slope

3.2. slope intercept form

3.3. point intercept form

3.4. standart form

3.5. equation finding

3.6. graphing

3.7. substitution method

4. Transformations of functions

4.1. learning important parent functions

4.2. graphing parent functions that we learned

4.3. explain how the transformation affects the graph of the parent function

5. Writing a mathematical argument

5.1. HOW?

5.2. WHY?

5.3. Reasoning

6. Understanding relationship between mathmetical argument and science

6.1. Philosophy

6.2. Metaphysics

7. Absolute Value

7.1. graphing values

7.2. solving values

7.3. solving equations

8. Polynomial

8.1. additions

8.2. substraction

8.3. long divison

8.4. multiplication