What do the Podar principals know?

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What do the Podar principals know? by Mind Map: What do the Podar principals know?

1. What themes are common?

2. What themes are different?

3. Perceptions from the schools

4. What benefits for the schools?

4.1. Involving parents in the learning process

4.2. Motivation by praise and giving confidence

4.3. building confidence by careful planning

4.4. Better trained and confident teachers

4.5. Linking benefits to outcomes

4.6. How do we measure the outcomes?

4.7. Can we embed the outcomes and benefits into our practice?

5. Further actions

5.1. Pedagogical changes

5.2. building more statistics across the Podar organisations

6. Validity

7. Topics

7.1. Learning English

7.1.1. Making use of computer assistance CALL

7.1.2. Pictures and sound visual learning

7.2. Topographical surveys

7.2.1. Teacher led action research

7.2.2. Action research led by pupils

7.3. Reading

7.3.1. Comprehension: how does research link into the curriculum? We had to be a mother to them first to give them confidence Speaking clearly and confidently on platforms and on cell phones

7.3.2. Misconceptions in Middle School Mathematics Identifying lists of misconceptions for teachers use New node

7.4. Looking at the value of different modes of learning

7.4.1. Traditional modes of learning like pencils

7.5. Science teaching: looking at rivers

7.5.1. Misconceptions in scientific theory Not simple to identify collecting data. who shall we ask? where shall we do this? which settings can be used?

8. Other points

8.1. activity learning

8.2. using grannies?

8.3. exchanges with schools in England

8.4. involving the whole-school community

8.5. identifying stakeholders

9. Podar action research programme benefits

9.1. Publishing means sharing

9.2. Deadlines are important to focus attention on the subject

9.3. Teachers sharing knowledge and creating resources

9.4. Using the research findings to make a difference

9.5. Understanding the danger of isolating facts and make them truths

9.6. Plan, do, act, review

9.7. We are in process

9.8. Groups of learners have a legitimate reason to talk, share and take ownership of the learning

9.9. Can collect data anonymously

10. Moodle resources for the teachers

10.1. Papers

10.2. Findings

10.3. Presentations