The main feature of Australian Legal System

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The main feature of Australian Legal System by Mind Map: The main feature of Australian Legal System

1. Bicameral Parliament

2. Westminster system

3. Constitutional Moncrachy

4. A federal system of government

4.1. sepreation of powers

4.1.1. Legislature: the power to interpret the law

4.1.2. Judiciary: the power to make the law

4.1.3. Executive:the power to enforce the law

4.2. Division of power

4.2.1. exclusive- powers that can only be exercised by Commonwealth parliament Section 90, 92, 114 & 115

4.2.2. residual- powers shared between Commonwealth & State parliament S. 51

4.2.3. concurrent- powers left to the State governments (Not in the constitution)

5. quize