80/20 Applications

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80/20 Applications by Mind Map: 80/20 Applications

1. Life

1.1. Productivity

1.2. Happiness

1.3. Learning

1.4. Social

1.4.1. Friends

1.4.2. Family

1.5. Health

1.5.1. Diet

1.5.2. Exercise 20% of the exercises and habits have 80% of the impact

1.5.3. Pain Back Podiatrist!!

1.6. Money

1.7. Impact

1.8. Goals

1.9. Decisions

1.10. Habit Change

1.11. Posessions

2. Business

2.1. Products

2.1.1. Features

2.1.2. Sales

2.1.3. Defects / Testing 80% of the traffic occurs during a 20% of the total time period. 20 percent of the code has 80 percent of the errors.

2.2. Stakeholders

2.2.1. Employees

2.2.2. Customers

2.2.3. Investors

2.2.4. Suppliers

2.3. Money

2.3.1. Revenue / Costs

2.3.2. Profit / Loss

2.4. Customer Service

2.4.1. Complaints 20% of software bugs create 80% of system crashes

2.4.2. Compliments

3. World

3.1. Countries & GDP

3.2. Cities & Population

3.3. Criminals & Crime

3.4. Scientists & Scientific Breakthrough

3.5. Media & Sales

3.6. People & Wealth

3.7. Languages & Language Usage

3.8. Epidemics & Death

3.9. People & Celebrity

3.10. Earth Degradation

3.11. Meteorities & Damage

3.12. Wars & Casualties

3.13. Clothes & Usage

3.14. All Species Ever & Species Alive Today

3.15. Drivers & Accidents

3.16. Mental Models & Value Via Models

3.17. Roads & Traffic Jams

3.18. Academic Papers & Citations

3.19. Religion & Followers

3.20. Ideas & Progress

3.21. Advertisers & Spend

3.22. Articles & Shares

3.23. Illnesses & Deaths

3.24. Causes Of Death & Deaths

3.25. News Stories & Coverage

3.26. Data Breaches & Leaked Data

3.27. Patients & Healthcare Resources

4. Occupational health and safety

4.1. 20% of the hazards account for 80% of the injuries