Universal Primary Education Solutions
by Charlotte LOXLEY
1. Internet
2. Reduce School Days
3. Teach Relevant Subjects
4. Advantages: Would allow children to learn basic information to give them opportunities to improve where they live. By teaching sex education to parents birth rates would decrease so money for education could be better as it would be provided for less children increasing the quality allowing children to obtain good jobs and move to areas with better schools for their own children, breaking cycle that many third world countries are in.
5. Disadvantages: Wouldn't let children have the same chances as those in the Western World as not being taught the same subjects, therefore not being able to sit exams and obtain qualifications.
6. Teach children subjects which are relevant to them. Sex education, how to get clean water, how to grow and ration food and how to build basic houses. (Social)
7. Use internet for all children to learn. This could be done by providing a tablet for each family in third world countries so it is easy to access school, This could be done through Google classroom, a teacher could put daily work on there for students to do and then send in. (Technology/ Political/ Environmental)
8. Advantages: Means that Government doesn't have to pay for transport to and from school or building good enough roads and services to do this. Also cheaper for the Government as they don't have to pay for infrastructure or a teachers full time wage as it would only be an hour work a day. This would save a lot of money in education whilst still providing a good education for all students. It is also good for the country to have internet as it should help them communicate with other countries.
9. Disadvantages: However, as many children in Third World countries don't have electricity, it would be unreasonable to think that in the near future all children would have a reliable internet access and without it children would fall behind on school and most likely give up. By putting internet access in then the poles/ wiring etc, will likely have a negative impact on the local environment.
10. Only have children in school for 2 days a week. Children in third world countries don't need the level of education we have in the Western world because they currently don't have exams. Urgently the children need teaching on basic things that children don't need to know here. By making it against the law to not go to school for these days, it should encourage parents to not sent their children to work but instead school. (Legal/ Economy/ Social)
11. Advantages: Build less infrastructure but make it could quality and only let children come in for certain days. This means the children could work for the rest of the week if they already do to encourage parents to let children go but mean they are socialising with other children which will help society)
12. Disadvantages: It means that students won't be able to get as much education as in the Western world which will put them behind. Also implementing laws in some countries would be hard as some parents need the child's income.
13. Encourage Teachers From Western World To Help
14. Homeschooling
15. Advantages: Gives experience to those just out of university and by offering to pay for accommodation means student teaches can save up, travel and gain experience which many teachers struggle with in Europe now. For retired teachers, less time in work and not the same stress that is in Western world teaching, e.g, marking exam papers, sticking to the course may seem more suitable. This may be an option that lots of older or younger teachers pick due to not having people dependent on them at home. This should be good socially because it will help children in developing countries but also help the UK socially because people would take the pensions later which could save the Government here money.
16. Encourage newly qualified teachers or retired to spend a few months in developing countries. (Social/ Economy/ Technological/ Political/ Environmental/ Legal)
17. Disadvantages: Flying back and forth to Third World countries will cost a lot and the teachers are unlikely to want to pay for this out of their own money so the Government will have to pay for it. As well as it having a bad impact on the environment from the use of fossil fuels. Many retired teachers may not want to leave home for long periods of time however student teachers may lack the experience to teach in a classroom setting. Also they will need to be taught the politics of the country, e.g if girls are allowed in the school or which subjects can be taught.
18. Homeschooling means that instead of children going into school, they are taught at home. (Political/ Social/ Economy)
19. Advantages:Saves the Government the majority of the money they spend on education through infrastructure. This means they could spend this on healthcare. Also by teaching parents how to read and write it will help the country evolve.
20. Disadvantages: Parents would have to be taught how to read and write due to the low literacy rates in most Third World countries. This would cost more for the Government because they would have to pay the parents for coming to lessons as they are missing out on work time and therefore pay. Children who are home schooled also miss out on the important interactions that should be made and are crucial to a child's' development at primary school age. This will mean that children will lack social skills which will impact their future, not giving them the skills needed to help them find, get and keep jobs and establish relationships.