Why has the Nineteenth Century been described as a time of profound and accelerated change?

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Why has the Nineteenth Century been described as a time of profound and accelerated change? by Mind Map: Why has the Nineteenth Century been described as a time of profound and accelerated change?

1. The Stockport Viaduct.

2. Friendrich Engels

3. The poor living conditions within the cities.

4. Cholerea outbreak.

5. Working conditions within the factories.

6. White Slavery.

7. The UK Corn law and The Great Reform Act repealed.

8. The Great Reform Act.

9. Birmingham to London railway.

10. The Great Exhibition.

11. The Education Act.

12. The origins of the change.

13. Constables, The Hay Wain.

14. Life within the Domestic System.

15. The Swing Rioters.

16. The Luddites.

17. The Introduction of the Corn Laws and The Six Acts.