3-D Printing Technology and its applications

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3-D Printing Technology and its applications by Mind Map: 3-D Printing Technology and its applications

1. Future development

1.1. Develop articificial bones

1.2. Develop organic materials

2. Applications

2.1. Current

2.1.1. Medical E.g. Medical devices Bio printing

2.1.2. Aviation E.g. 787 Dreamliner jet airliner

2.1.3. Art and Designs E.g. C2 chair

2.1.4. Clothing E.g. Vapor lasor talon football shoe

2.1.5. Food E.g. Food ink

2.1.6. Architecture E.g. Architectural models

3. Pros and Cons

3.1. Pros

3.1.1. Can be customized

3.1.2. Doesn't require a lot of tools

3.1.3. Quicker to produce than traditional printing

3.1.4. Can make prosthetics e.g. limbs, ears

3.2. Cons

3.2.1. Size is limited

3.2.2. Not many material choices

3.2.3. Time consuming for complex designs

3.2.4. Can make weapons that work e.g. guns, knives

4. 3-D Printing

4.1. Definition

4.2. Principles

4.3. Types of 3D printing

4.3.1. Extrusion

4.3.2. Wired

4.3.3. Granular

4.3.4. Laminated

4.3.5. Powder bed and inkjet head

4.3.6. Light polymerized