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Mako Shark by Mind Map: Mako Shark

1. Mako sharks are on the top 5 list of dangerous shark to humans. They’re fast,powerful and aggressive and are not afraid to kill when threatened

1.1. speed

2. Threats they face

2.1. overfishing which could lead to extinction

3. Behavior

3.1. Fastest shark on earth. Can jump. Solitary individuals. Males are aggressive when mating. Mako sharks when hunting will stay under the prey and surprise it.

4. Threats We Face

5. Habitat

5.1. Resides offshore temperate and tropical seas worldwide. Mostly in warm water conditions.

5.1.1. Tropical Ocean

5.1.2. Offshore Temperate Ocean

6. Diet

6.1. schooling fish, tuna, herring, mackerel, swordfish, porpoise

6.1.1. Herring

6.1.2. Schooling Fish

6.1.3. Tuna

6.1.4. Mackrel