The Adaptable Mind

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The Adaptable Mind by Mind Map: The Adaptable Mind

1. Big Idea???


2.1. Science

2.2. humanities

2.3. technology

2.4. engineering

2.5. arts

2.6. math

3. Technology is rapidly changing how we do things.

3.1. Certain skills becoming less valuable

3.1.1. need to memorize

3.1.2. perform routine tasks

3.1.3. need to drive

3.2. Others more valuable

4. 5. Empathy

4.1. Feeling what others might be feeling

4.2. Sensing the motives and feelings of others

4.3. Looking people in the eye

4.4. Getting to know others

4.5. Connect deeply

4.6. The core of our ability is to work together

5. The skills we ned in order to be effective in any profession, boil down to being HUMAN!

6. 2. Creativity

6.1. -important in every context, not just art!

6.2. -creativity is liberating human energy

6.3. -so much information at fingertips that it matters more what you do with it and the unique perspective you bring to all the info that matters.

6.4. -creative thoughts happen when mind is left to wander.

7. 1. Curiosity

7.1. -Lots of information all day long

7.2. -we engage with material

7.3. -When curiosity is peaked the brain activates regions that centre on learning, memory and reward

7.4. -turns minds into happy sponges

8. What are the skills that prepare us for the ever-changing world?

9. 3. Initiative

9.1. If we don't take initiative then ideas are left to float around.

9.2. We must know when to reach out tot he right people.

10. 4. Multi-Disciplinary Thinking

10.1. The need to do more Multi-Tasking

10.2. Must communicate

10.3. Must collaborate