Policy and Strategy Framework
by Eamonn Keane
1. Social Care and Safeguarding
1.1. Safeguarding Adults Policy
1.2. Safeguarding Children Board Plan
1.3. Children and Young People Priorities
1.4. Children and Young People with SEND Strategy
1.5. Childcare Sufficiency report
1.6. Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub Strategy
1.7. ASC Money Management Policies
1.7.1. Appointee and Deputyship procedures for Care Managers
1.7.2. Appointee policy and procedure
1.7.3. Cash Handling policy and procedure
1.7.4. Deputyship policy and procedure
1.7.5. POP Funeral and Estates policy and procedure
1.7.6. Tenancies and Mental Capacity
2. Corporate strategies
2.1. Corporate Plan
2.2. Council constitution
2.3. Finance
2.3.1. Final Accounts
2.3.2. Medium Term Financial Strategy Council Tax Reduction Scheme Capital Programme and Strategy
2.3.3. Budget Book
2.4. Data Protection and Freedom of Information
3. Education, Employment and Skills
3.1. Oldham Education and Skills Commission Report
3.2. Towards a School Improvement Strategy
3.3. Fair Employment Charter
4. GM Strategies
4.1. GM Strategy: Stronger Together
4.2. Growth and Reform Plan
4.3. TfGM: Transport Strategy to 2040
4.3.1. TfGM: Local Transport Plan
4.4. GM Spatial Framework
4.5. Police and Crime Plan
4.6. Investment Funds
5. Health and Well-being
5.1. Health and Wellbeing Strategy
5.2. Locality Plan
5.3. Public Health Annual Report
5.4. CAMHS Transformation Plan
5.5. Active Oldham Strategy
5.6. Public Health Charter
6. Environmental Strategies
6.1. Climate Change Strategy
6.2. Environmental Policy
7. Community Services
7.1. Safe and Strong Communities Strategy
7.2. Domestic Violence Strategy
7.3. Libraries and Information Strategic Plan
7.4. Arts and Heritage Strategy
7.5. Local Welfare Provision Scheme
7.6. Armed Forces Community Covenant
8. Place
8.1. Oldham Plan
8.2. Local Development Framework
8.3. Highways Asset Policy Framework
8.4. Housing Strategy
8.4.1. Affordable Warmth Strategy
8.4.2. Working Together to Prevent Homelessness
8.4.3. Empty Homes Delivery Plan
8.4.4. Tenancy Strategy
8.4.5. Housing Allocations Scheme
8.4.6. Discretionary Housing Payments