What is Agile Testing?

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What is Agile Testing? by Mind Map: What is Agile Testing?

1. We need to understand "Testing"

1.1. We are making this up as we go along

1.2. What is Testing For?

1.2.1. Finding Problems

1.2.2. Preventing Problems

1.2.3. What models of testing do we value? Feedback Assurance Certification Exploration Risk etc.

1.3. Testing has never been about the Tester

1.3.1. Testing has always been about the:

1.3.2. process

1.3.3. results

1.4. How do we test?

1.4.1. build and compare models to system

1.5. What skills are necessary?

2. "New"

2.1. Only in the sense that

2.2. Not a templated approach

2.3. Can't succeed by

2.3.1. Shoe horn in old tools, processes, mandates, procedures, templates, documentation, etc.

2.4. Can succeed by

2.4.1. Essence of Testing

2.4.2. Avoiding Waste

2.4.3. Working as part of an effective System of Development

3. Summary

3.1. Adapt

3.2. Tackle Risk

3.2.1. Process

3.2.2. Product

3.2.3. Technical System

3.3. Avoid Trappings

3.3.1. light weight

3.3.2. fast

3.4. Testing

3.4.1. as a verb

3.4.2. not a noun

4. By Alan Richardson EvilTester.com

5. Approach to Testing on an Agile Project

5.1. People get hung up on words

5.2. Unique

5.2.1. Environment

5.2.2. Organisation

5.2.3. Department

5.2.4. Team

5.2.5. ! Team Member

5.3. Fits

5.3.1. Merges

5.3.2. Maps to Dev Approach

5.3.3. Covers Risks

5.3.4. Agreed

5.4. Adapts

5.4.1. Changes as process changes

5.4.2. Changes are risk profile changes

5.4.3. To skills on team

5.4.4. To System Architecture

5.4.5. To timescales

5.5. Simple

5.5.1. Involve Everyone

5.5.2. Part of Development

6. Difference to 'normal' testing

6.1. Strips away the extras

6.2. What extras?

6.2.1. Test Plan Documents

6.2.2. Test Strategy Documents

6.2.3. Test Scripts

6.2.4. Test Reports

6.2.5. Test Management Tools

6.3. Why no extras?

6.3.1. Extras are a response to the development process to the regulatory requirements to the management process to the offshoring process to the team organisation