Traits are influenced by the environment

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Traits are influenced by the environment by Mind Map: Traits are influenced by the environment

1. jobs

1.1. Biologist

1.2. Doctors

1.3. Botanist

2. Guidelines

2.1. Anything goes!

2.2. No criticism or flaming allowed

2.3. The Wilder The Better

2.4. Quantity is Quality

2.5. Set a Time Limit

3. Lesson activities

3.1. plant experiment compare and contrast (water/no water)

3.2. same species with different characteristics.

3.2.1. Finches

3.2.2. turtles

3.2.3. Foxes

4. Resources Websites

4.1. BL Better Lesson Plans

4.2. OpenED

4.3. Sharemylesson