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Margaret by Mind Map: Margaret

1. Lymphatic System

1.1. Tonsils

1.2. Thymus

1.3. Nodes

1.4. Spleen

1.5. Vessels

2. Urinary System

2.1. Kidneys

2.2. Ureters

2.3. Bladder

2.4. Urethra

3. Central Nervous System

3.1. Spinal Cord

3.2. Brain

4. Reproductive System

4.1. Ovaries

4.2. Cervix

4.3. Uterus

4.4. Vagina

4.5. Fallopian Tubes

5. Endocrine System

5.1. Pituitary Gland

5.2. Thyroid

5.3. Parathyroids

5.4. Hypothalamus

6. Respiratory System

6.1. Lungs

6.2. Mouth

6.3. Muscles of Respiration

6.4. Pharynx

6.5. Bronchi & Bronchioles

7. Musculoskeletal System

7.1. Ligaments

7.2. Bones

7.3. Joints

7.4. Muscles

7.5. Cartilage

7.6. Tendons

8. Cardiovascular System

8.1. Arteries

8.2. Lungs

8.3. Heart

8.4. Veins

8.5. Blood

9. Digestive System

9.1. Salivary Glands

9.2. Pharynx

9.3. Esophagus

9.4. Stomach

9.5. Small Intestine

9.6. Rectum