Overuse of dictionary hunting, definition writing, or teacher explanation, can turn students off ...

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Overuse of dictionary hunting, definition writing, or teacher explanation, can turn students off learning new words and doesn't necessarily result in better comprehension or learning. by Mind Map: Overuse of dictionary hunting, definition writing, or teacher explanation, can turn students off learning new words and doesn't necessarily result in better comprehension or learning.

1. Effective teachers display an attitude of excitement and invest in words and language.

2. Meaning of 60% of multisyllabic words can be inferred by analyzing word parts.

3. The rules of English are simple and consistent compared to other languages.

4. Language proficiencey grows from oral competence to written competence.

5. Words are learned because of associations that connect the new with the known.

6. Seventy percent of the most frequently used words what multiple meanings.