PGDE Programmes

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PGDE Programmes by Mind Map: PGDE Programmes

1. Educational Studies (ES)

1.1. Knowledge

1.1.1. K1 Self QED50/2E Singapore Kaleidoscope QED50/2H Professional Practice and Inquiry I QED50/2J Professional Practice and Inquiry II

1.1.2. K2 Pupil QED50/2C Teacher-Student Relationship QED52K Teaching and Managing Learners at Secondary / Junior College Level

1.1.3. K3 Subject Content QED50/2G Technologies for Meaningful Learning QED50/2M Character and Citizenship Education

1.1.4. K4 Pedagogy QED50/2B Pedagogical Practices

1.1.5. K5 Educational foundation and policies QED50/2A Educational Psychology: Theories and Applications for Learning and Teaching QED50/2D Effective Parent Engagement for Teachers QED50/2L The Social Context of Teaching and Learning QED50/2N Assessing Learning and Performance

1.1.6. K6 Global Awareness

1.1.7. K7

1.1.8. K8

1.2. Skills

1.2.1. S1

1.2.2. S2

1.2.3. S3

1.2.4. S4

1.2.5. S5

1.2.6. S6

1.2.7. S7

1.2.8. S8

1.2.9. S10

1.3. Service to the Profession and Community

1.3.1. V3.1

1.3.2. V3.3

1.4. Teacher Identity

1.4.1. V2.1

1.4.2. V2.2

1.4.3. V2.3

1.4.4. V2.4

1.4.5. V2.6

1.4.6. V2.7

1.5. Learner-Centred Values

1.5.1. V1.1

1.5.2. V1.2

1.5.3. V1.3

1.5.4. V1.4

1.6. Leadership and Management

1.6.1. LM1.1

1.6.2. LM1.2

1.6.3. LM2.1

1.6.4. LM2.2

1.7. Professional Practice

1.7.1. PP1

1.7.2. PP2

1.7.3. PP4.1

1.7.4. PP4.2

1.7.5. PP4.3

1.7.6. PP4.4

1.7.7. PP4.5

1.7.8. PP4.6

1.8. Personal Effectiveness

1.8.1. PE1.1

1.8.2. PE1.2

1.8.3. PE1.3

1.8.4. PE1.4

2. GESL and the Meranti Project

2.1. Knowledge

2.1.1. K1

2.1.2. K2

2.1.3. K3

2.1.4. K4

2.1.5. K8

2.1.6. K9

2.1.7. K10

2.2. Skills

2.2.1. S1

2.2.2. S2

2.2.3. S4

2.2.4. S5

2.2.5. S6

2.2.6. S7

2.2.7. S10

2.3. Service to the Profession and Community

2.3.1. V3.1

2.3.2. V3.3

2.4. Teacher Identity

2.4.1. V2.1

2.4.2. V2.2

2.4.3. V2.3

2.4.4. V2.4

2.4.5. V2.5

2.4.6. V2.6

2.4.7. V2.7

2.4.8. V2.8

2.5. Learner-Centred Values

2.5.1. V1.1

2.5.2. V1.2

2.5.3. V1.3

2.5.4. V1.4

2.6. Leadership and Management

2.6.1. LM1.1

2.6.2. LM1.2

2.6.3. LM1.3

2.7. Professional Practice

2.7.1. PP1

2.7.2. PP2

2.7.3. PP4.1

2.7.4. PP4.2

2.7.5. PP4.3

2.7.6. PP4.4

2.7.7. PP4.5

2.7.8. PP4.6

2.8. Personal Effectiveness

2.8.1. PE1.1

2.8.2. PE1.2

2.8.3. PE1.3

2.8.4. PE1.4

3. Practicum

3.1. Knowledge

3.1.1. K1

3.1.2. K2

3.1.3. K3

3.1.4. K4

3.1.5. K5

3.1.6. K6

3.1.7. K7

3.1.8. K8

3.2. Skills

3.2.1. S1

3.2.2. S2

3.2.3. S3

3.2.4. S4

3.2.5. S6

3.2.6. S7

3.2.7. S8

3.2.8. S10

3.3. Service to the Profession and Community

3.3.1. V3.1

3.3.2. V3.3

3.4. Teacher Identity

3.4.1. V2.1

3.4.2. V2.2

3.4.3. V2.3

3.4.4. V2.4

3.4.5. V2.5

3.4.6. V2.6

3.4.7. V2.7

3.4.8. V2.8

3.5. Learner-Centred Values

3.5.1. V1.1

3.5.2. V1.2

3.5.3. V1.3

3.5.4. V1.4

3.6. Leadership and Management

3.6.1. LM1.1

3.6.2. LM2.2

3.7. Professional Practice

3.7.1. PP1

3.7.2. PP2

3.7.3. PP3

3.7.4. PP4.1

3.7.5. PP4.2

3.7.6. PP4.3

3.7.7. PP4.4

3.7.8. PP4.5

3.7.9. PP4.6

3.8. Personal Effectiveness

3.8.1. PE1.1

3.8.2. PE1.2

3.8.3. PE1.3

3.8.4. PE1.4

4. Academic Subject (AS)

4.1. Knowledge

4.1.1. K1

4.1.2. K2

4.1.3. K3

4.1.4. K4

4.1.5. K5

4.1.6. K6

4.1.7. K7

4.1.8. K8

4.1.9. K9

4.1.10. K10

4.2. Skills

4.2.1. S1

4.2.2. S2

4.2.3. S3

4.2.4. S4

4.2.5. S5

4.2.6. S6

4.2.7. S7

4.2.8. S8

4.2.9. S9

4.2.10. S10

4.3. Service to the Profession and Community

4.3.1. V3.1

4.3.2. V3.2

4.3.3. V3.3

4.3.4. V3.4

4.4. Teacher Identity

4.4.1. V2.1

4.4.2. V2.2

4.4.3. V2.3

4.4.4. V2.4

4.4.5. V2.5

4.4.6. V2.6

4.4.7. V2.7

4.4.8. V2.8

4.5. Learner-Centred Values

4.5.1. V1.1

4.5.2. V1.2

4.5.3. V1.3

4.5.4. V1.4

4.6. Leadership and Management

4.6.1. LM1.1

4.6.2. LM1.2

4.6.3. LM2.1

4.6.4. LM2.2

4.7. Professional Practice

4.7.1. PP1

4.7.2. PP2

4.7.3. PP3

4.7.4. PP4.1

4.7.5. PP4.2

4.7.6. PP4.3

4.7.7. PP4.4

4.7.8. PP4.5

4.7.9. PP4.6

4.8. Personal Effectiveness

4.8.1. PE1.1

4.8.2. PE1.2

4.8.3. PE1.3

4.8.4. PE1.4

5. Curriculum Studies (CS)

5.1. Knowledge

5.1.1. K1 Self

5.1.2. K2 Pupil QCH52B Teaching for Historical Understanding in Secondary Classrooms QCH52D Assessment in History QCL52C Assessing Learning in Social Studies QCL52A Social Studies education in the secondary school classroom

5.1.3. K4 Subject content

5.1.4. K5 Pedagogy QCL52B Discussion-based lessons in Social Studies (TA-Link) QCL52D Investigating Societal Issues QCH52A Approaches to the Teaching of History in Secondary Schools QCH52C Historical Inquiry through Field Trips

5.1.5. K6 Educational foundation and policies

5.1.6. K9 Global awareness

5.2. Skills

5.2.1. S1

5.2.2. S2

5.2.3. S4

5.2.4. S6

5.2.5. S7

5.2.6. S8

5.2.7. S9

5.3. Service to the Profession and Community

5.3.1. V3.1

5.3.2. V3.3

5.4. Teacher Identity

5.4.1. V2.1

5.4.2. V2.2

5.4.3. V2.3

5.4.4. V2.4

5.4.5. V2.5

5.4.6. V2.6

5.4.7. V2.7

5.4.8. V2.8

5.5. Learner-Centred Values

5.5.1. V1.1

5.5.2. V1.2

5.5.3. V1.3

5.5.4. V1.4

5.6. Leadership and Management

5.6.1. LM1.1

5.6.2. LM1.2

5.6.3. LM2.2

5.7. Professional Practice

5.7.1. PP1 SAMPLE: QCK522 Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching and Learning Accounting

5.7.2. PP2

5.7.3. PP4.1

5.7.4. PP4.2

5.7.5. PP4.3 SAMPLE: QCC522 Teaching of Chinese Language 3

5.7.6. PP4.4

5.7.7. PP4.5

5.7.8. PP4.6

5.8. Personal Effectiveness

5.8.1. PE1.1

5.8.2. PE1.2

5.8.3. PE1.3

5.8.4. PE1.4

6. Knowledge Skills

6.1. Knowledge

6.1.1. K1

6.1.2. K2

6.1.3. K3

6.1.4. K4

6.1.5. K5

6.1.6. K6

6.1.7. K7

6.1.8. K8

6.1.9. K9

6.1.10. K10

6.2. Skills

6.2.1. S1

6.2.2. S2

6.2.3. S3

6.2.4. S4

6.2.5. S5

6.2.6. S6

6.2.7. S7

6.2.8. S8

6.2.9. S9

6.2.10. S10

6.3. Service to the Profession and Community

6.3.1. V3.1

6.3.2. V3.2

6.3.3. V3.3

6.3.4. V3.4

6.4. Teacher Identity

6.4.1. V2.1

6.4.2. V2.2

6.4.3. V2.3

6.4.4. V2.4

6.4.5. V2.5

6.4.6. V2.6

6.4.7. V2.7

6.4.8. V2.8

6.5. Learner-Centred Values

6.5.1. V1.1

6.5.2. V1.2

6.5.3. V1.3

6.5.4. V1.4

6.6. Leadership and Management

6.6.1. LM1.1

6.6.2. LM1.2

6.6.3. LM2.2

6.7. Professional Practice

6.7.1. PP4.1

6.7.2. PP4.2

6.7.3. PP4.3

6.7.4. PP4.4

6.7.5. PP4.5

6.7.6. PP4.6

6.8. Personal Effectiveness

6.8.1. PE1.1

6.8.2. PE1.2

6.8.3. PE1.3

6.8.4. PE1.4


7.1. Knowledge

7.1.1. K1 Self SAMPLE: My Teaching Philosophy (updated)

7.1.2. K2 Pupil

7.1.3. K3 Community

7.1.4. K4 Subject content

7.1.5. K5 Pedagogy

7.2. Skills

7.2.1. S1

7.2.2. S2

7.2.3. S3

7.2.4. S4

7.2.5. S6

7.2.6. S7

7.2.7. S8

7.2.8. S9

7.2.9. S10

7.3. Service to the Profession and Community

7.3.1. V3.1

7.4. Teacher Identity

7.4.1. V2.1

7.4.2. V2.2

7.4.3. V2.3

7.4.4. V2.4

7.4.5. V2.5

7.4.6. V2.6

7.4.7. V2.7

7.4.8. V2.8

7.5. Learner-Centred Values

7.5.1. V1.1

7.5.2. V1.2

7.5.3. V1.3

7.5.4. V1.4

7.6. Leadership and Management

7.6.1. LM1.2

7.6.2. LM2.1

7.6.3. LM2.2

7.7. Professional Practice

7.7.1. PP2

7.7.2. PP4.2

7.7.3. PP4.3

7.8. Personal Effectiveness

7.8.1. PE1.1

7.8.2. PE1.2

7.8.3. PE1.3

7.8.4. PE1.4