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TWC301 by Mind Map: TWC301

1. Critical Thinking, Reading & Writing

1.1. Use information, writing, and reading for inquiry, learning, thinking, and communicating

1.2. Integrate previously held beliefs, assumptions, and knowledge with new information and the ideas of others to accomplish a specific purpose within a context

2. Knowledge of Conventions

2.1. Learn common formats for different genres

2.2. Develop knowledge of genre conventions ranging from structure and paragraphing to tone and mechanics

2.3. Understand and apply legal and ethical uses of information and technology including copyright and intellectual property

3. Personal Goals

3.1. Learn more about publishing on the web.

3.2. Make a video.

3.3. Crop Images

4. Rhetorical Knowledge

4.1. Identify, articulate, and focus on a defined purpose

4.1.1. Need to know purpose before beginning a project (C1)

4.2. Respond to the need of the appropriate audience

4.2.1. Need to know audience before beginning a project (C1)

4.3. Respond appropriately to different rhetorical situations

4.4. Use conventions of format and structure appropriate to the rhetorical situation

4.5. etc...

5. Processes

5.1. Be aware that it usually takes multiple drafts to create and complete a successful text

5.2. Develop flexible strategies for generating, revising, editing, and proof-reading

5.3. Understand the collaborative and social aspects of research and writing processes

5.4. Use appropriate technologies to manage data and information collected or generated for future