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ICT by Mind Map: ICT

1. Understanding ICT in education: Policy Understanding

1.1. inclusiveness and equity

1.2. game based learning

1.3. bring your own device

2. Curriculum and assessment (e-testing)

2.1. toolkit for 21st century educators

2.2. tech advocate list 2017 list of 116 best- teaching-learning apps

3. Pedagogy

3.1. Use of ICT in Pedagogy

4. ICT and ICT tools

4.1. word, excel, access

4.2. useful ict tools

5. Mindmap using MindMeicester

5.1. reflection

6. Organisation and Administration

6.1. learning styles

6.2. teaching strategies

6.3. differently abled

7. office 365

7.1. onenote

7.2. email