ICT Training Workshop

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ICT Training Workshop by Mind Map: ICT Training Workshop

1. Pedagogy

1.1. Project Based Learning

1.1.1. Working together a a group in an e-collaborative setting

1.2. eSBA

1.3. Student Centered Learning

1.4. Collaborative Learning

1.5. Learning & Teaching in e-Environments

1.5.1. Using Google Platform to work on a group project

1.6. Problem Based Learning

1.7. Bloom's Taxonomy

2. ICT Tools

2.1. Spreadsheets

2.2. Documents

2.3. PowerPoint Presentations

2.3.1. PowerPoint Quiz

2.4. Ted ED - Creating OnLine Lessons

2.4.1. Ted ED Lesson

2.5. Using Emodo to create online assignments

2.6. Digital Literacy & Digital Citizenship

3. Organisation & Administration

3.1. Learner-Centered Teaching Strategies

3.1.1. Video-Based Group Activity

3.1.2. Learning Styles - Multiple Intelligences

3.2. Creating a Lesson for students with Multiple Intelligences

3.3. Using ICTs to Help Differently Abled Students Learn

3.3.1. Microsoft Lync

3.3.2. Apps for Android Tablets

3.4. Teaching Strategies to compliment Learning Styles

4. Policy Understanding

4.1. BYOD

4.1.1. policy review

4.1.2. iimplications

4.1.3. Padlet

4.2. Game-Based Learning Policy

4.2.1. Learn while playing

4.3. Exclusiveness & Equity

5. Curriculum & Assessment

5.1. eTesting

5.1.1. Are we ready?

5.2. Google Platform

5.2.1. Google slides

5.2.2. Google Forms

5.2.3. Google Drive

5.2.4. Using ICT Tools in Math - Desmos

5.3. Emodo - Creating the Virtual Classroom

5.3.1. Emodo Quiz

5.4. Toolkit for 21st Century Learners

5.4.1. 2017 Beat Teaching & Learning Appd

5.5. Rich Media