Eco Housing Stratigies

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Eco Housing Stratigies by Mind Map: Eco Housing Stratigies

1. Introduction

1.1. Effective methods to reduce pollution

1.2. Exploit the renewable resources

1.3. Reducing the cost of operation and maintenance

1.4. spread the knowledge about it among people

2. Significant

2.1. Society

2.1.1. sustainable, healthy and clean life

2.1.2. strong relationship between the human and the environment

2.2. Agriculture

2.2.1. practice organic agriculture

2.3. Tourism

2.3.1. attract tourist

2.4. Environment

2.4.1. use renewable energy such as solar heaters and LED lighting

3. Methods

3.1. Gathered basic information

3.2. Looked at global eco-housing concepts

3.3. Interview

3.4. Visit to eco house

3.5. Future prospects

4. Finding

4.1. Insulation

4.2. Natural paints

4.3. Solar panelling

4.4. Ground Source heat pumps

5. Recommendation

5.1. Insulation

5.1.1. available

5.1.2. last for along time

5.1.3. easy to apply

6. Refrences


6.2. Eco Friendly Houses - 5 Tips to Design Eco Friendly Buildings

6.3. Environmentally Friendly, Non Toxic Paint