Aalto, on scope

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Aalto, on scope by Mind Map: Aalto, on scope

1. Extra / Collaboration

1.1. Funding

1.1.1. > Basic info > Funding > Collaboration > Outcomes >

1.2. Collaboration Platform

1.2.1. Collection of contents, almost like Index

2. Studying in Aalto

2.1. School

2.1.1. Support for research

2.1.2. Practical info (services, facilities, ... )

2.2. Studies

2.2.1. Showroom Student marketing Testimonials

2.2.2. Apply requirements

3. Research in Aalto

3.1. Research

3.1.1. General level information about the researches

3.1.2. Science and Art

3.2. Platforms

4. Organization

4.1. About

4.2. Fundraising

5. Search

6. Alumnis

7. My Aalto

7.1. Dashboard

7.2. My Courses

7.3. Tools

7.3.1. Shortcut to external services: forms for e.g. ordering a new computer

7.4. Profile

7.5. Notifications

8. Publications

9. What is happening in Aalto?

9.1. Events

9.1.1. Landing page of the event, targeted

9.2. News

9.3. Newsletter

9.4. Hero news and Campaigns

9.5. Calendar

9.5.1. Events from Drupal

9.5.2. Events from external services

9.5.3. Grouping by different criteria

9.5.4. Who are those aimed to? Filter by user group, targeted External vs Internal

10. For Employees

10.1. ITS

10.2. HR

10.3. Staff training

10.4. Open jobs

10.4.1. Career web

10.4.2. other?

10.5. Finance Dept services

10.6. For Employees

10.6.1. Current topics

10.6.2. Campus services

10.6.3. Support for teaching or research: info, tools, trainings

10.7. AGRE

11. People in Aalto

11.1. People.aalto.fi

11.1.1. Note in scope as such, content in scope

11.2. Phonebook

11.2.1. Can be used in Aalto network without login

11.2.2. Service: Elisa Helpnet Data source: personel